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horacio reyes páez


Horacio Reyes Páez (Montevideo, 1987)  is a Vienna based film director, photographer and musician. 
"His work is an harmonious amalgamation of process and practice. Seeking out moments of visual poetry, Paez's imagery is an example of his personal curiosities influencing his aesthetic direction.⁠ For this Uruguayan visual artist, striving to connect the physical with something more pensive and spiritual is a process that underpins his work.
Capturing moments that seem frozen in time, he invites the viewer to take a moment's pause." ⁠

Gestalten / Berlin, Febraury 2020 (

(Sitio en Español: Leer aquí)

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"Visual Poetry can be a form of healing"


Rocas de las Grutas, Uruguay, 2020 1.JPG

As a multi talented artist Reyes Páez accomplishes all his works with unique style & storytelling. With his solid compositions, intriguing details, and cinematic angles, Páez gives the opportunity to reveal a beauty that often goes unnoticed. There is a fascinating eeriness and dream-like quality to his work. Both his images and film showcase a world thrown into a quiet chaos which despite its future being messy and uncertain, evokes feelings of serenity and purity. For Páez, his lens becomes an important emotional bridge to the past, and between him and the viewers.

Devid Gualandris, for IGNANT.
Berlin, October 2020.

Full interview: here

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Horacio Reyes Páez was born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1987.
Coming from a family of renowned Uruguayan artists (Páez Vilaró Family) he started his work as a filmmaker and photographer when he got his first analogue and videotape cameras at age 16.

Through his family he had a deep and early contact with plastic arts and was introduced to the world of  classical music by his mother Agó Páez Vilaró. Also through his father, the recognised Uruguayan advertising creative José María Reyes Delgado, he was nurtured first hand  from the most important school of communicators in Montevideo

Apart from visual storytelling, Páez's strong potential with music was shown when he started playing his first Bach preludes on classical guitar at the age of ten, passion that led him to become a classical music performer and composer.

He concluded his studies as a film director in 2012 at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. Since then he has worked as a director in many short-films, documentaries, and commercial pieces. Parallel to this, his musical career led him to settle in Vienna, Austria, and was invited to study classical guitar with consecrated guitar maestro, Alvaro Pierri (MDW). Reyes Paez now works as a director, cinematographer and photographer, writer and producer in the city of Vienna, as also continues to work in Uruguay and Argentina. 

Reyes Páez has participated at the 2021 74th Festival de Cannes - Short Film Corner with his award winning film "Dance for The Apocalypse" (Audience Award, José Ignacio International Film Festival 2021). Also created independent films like "El Efecto del Amor", 2013, Best Experimental Film, Rojas Fest Bs.As, Argentina - "From Blanes To Klimt", 2016, VIFF Vienna Official Selection - "A PRAYER", 2020, Jury Award, Piriápolis IFF, Uruguay ), and his photographic pieces were featured in important art and design platforms such as "Gestalten" (, and "IGNANT" (

In all of his projects the main pursuit is to achieve poetic and powerful artistic insight in each of the creations under his direction.

© Horacio Reyes Páez
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